
The Briarcliff Pool

On Friday, December 1, 2023, the Rainier School District, in a collaborative decision with insurance and our structural engineer, determined the Briarcliff Pool must close. This is as a result of prolonged exposure to moisture, which has led to corrosion of structural components of the roof system. At this time, we await a final report from the engineer, which will be used to develop a plan to address the safety concerns identified. We do not know the extent of the work that will need to be completed nor the cost, therefore, we are also unsure the length of closure at this time. The District will continue to update the community of our progress.

The Rainier School District continues to prioritize safety of students, staff, and our community, which is why the Briarcliff Pool is closed until further notice. This closure highlights the growing need to update our facilities within the confines of our budget. In anticipation of the engineer’s final report, the District is seeking grants, donors, and community partners to mitigate this as quickly as possible.

Closed for repairs

28168 Old Rainier Road

Rainier, OR 97048

(503) 556-3777 ext. 409